
Showing posts from September, 2016


I probably haven't drawn anything since my son was born. I haven't really had much time for drawing, or any other hobby really. And honestly, if I have had time, I feel so sleep deprived and fuzzy-minded that all I want to do is scroll through Instagram or watch YouTube videos. So the other day I decided to give it a try since it had been so long. It used to be that my problem was running out of ideas to draw, now my problem is I have plenty of ideas, but a lack of motivation. The word came to me. Grace. It's been the main theme of my life lately. I mean of course... isn't it for all Christians? Yes, but it has been the main word I speak over my day that gives me peace in these days of new motherhood. I'm exhausted. Grace. I don't have the attention span to read my Bible. Grace. The only prayer I've prayed today is "Thanks God". Grace. I want to say you can't use grace as a crutch, I mean it's definitely not an excuse, but in all tru...